Naruto (ナルト, NARUTO) is a manga by Masashi Kishimoto with an anime TV series adaptation. Its main character, Naruto Uzumaki, is a loud, hyperactive, adolescent ninja who constantly searches for approval and recognition, as well as to become Hokage, who is acknowledged as the leader and strongest of all ninja in the village. Complete....
Naruto: Shippūden
Naruto: Shippūden (ナルト 疾風伝, Naruto Shippūden; Literally meaning ""Naruto: Hurricane Chronicles"") is the anime adaptation of Part II of the manga, set two-and-a-half years after Sasuke Uchiha's defection and Naruto Uzumaki's training with Jiraiya and finally returned. The series is still being shown in Japan on TV-Tokyo, since it has not finished. Viz distributes a subtitled version of the series on its website on Thursdays at 6:30. Complete....
Naruto's Music
Like the other Anime, Naruto have many song from opening until ending. This all list of Naruto Opening:
- R★O★C★K★S (Hound Dog).
- Far Away (Asian Kung-Fu Generation).
- Sadness into Kindness (little by little). Complete....